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Bespoke Services Menu


Initial Discussion No Charge

Telephone consultation where our services will be explained and importantly, you can get to know us, with no obligation to advance matters further.


Chargeable Services

The Initial Discussion can take place face to face. Please contact us for further information.

Consultation Discovery Meeting - (travel expenses may apply if separate to initial meeting).

This will establish needs, wants and aspirations. Options are then identified and discussions on how to move forward can take place. Finally, action points will be defined and signposting where appropriate will be provided. This function need not provide for any further involvement.


Attendance Allowance Application (AA)

Assisting for the initial application for AA or for upgrading from the lower rate to the higher rate.


Challenging DWP’s Decision


Power of Attorney + travel expenses (if applicable)

Single & Double

Assisting in the application and registration of Lasting Powers of Attorney, including, Property and Assets and/or Health and Welfare.


Accommodation, Relocation and Upgrading

Because of the complex nature of this service, each case will be treated on an individual basis and an estimate of costs involved will be provided before any work in undertaken.


Care Fee Evaluation

Carrying out initial indicative research and assessing viability.


Planned and Unplanned Hospital Admission

Assistance with arrangements and ensuring that the NHS follows the correct procedure and full compliance is achieved.


Hospital Discharge Procedure

In respect ascertaining what level of care is required, where it is best provided and who pays. To assist and negotiate with all parties in connection with the arrangements, ensuring that both the NHS and Social Service follow the correct procedure and full compliance is achieved. Where appropriate, liaise with the NHS, including patient's Consultant, Nurses, Support team, Social Services on matters relating to the provision of care in the community and Care Home (if applicable). To bring this all about in the shortest time frame possible.


Attendance at Third Party Meetings + travel expenses

Attendance at meetings with the NHS and Social Services to assess entitlement for Continuing Health Care (CHC), Funded Nursing Care (FNC) sometimes called Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC) and for Care and Financial assessment meetings. Family meetings, appeals or dispute with Care Homes, are also included in this category. If more than one meeting is required relating to associated matters then special reduced rates could apply, but these will be discussed prior to any further involvement.


Social Services Funded Domiciliary Care

Negotiate and assist in arranging and setting up social services domiciliary and community funded care.


Managing Appeals and Disputes with Third Parties


Guidance and Advice for

Social Services Respite, Residential, Nursing, Dementia and End of Life care.

Assisting in arranging and setting up social services and NHS funded residential and nursing care. Managing appeals and disputes.


Post Death Advocacy and Management

Guidance and support for executors and family members in the disposal of assets, goods and chattels. Close liaison with solicitors, accountants and other professionals in winding up an estate through probate or letters of administration.

Because of the complex nature of this service, each case will be treated on an individual basis and an estimate of costs involved will be provided before any work is undertaken.

In addition to the above, Discretionary Travel Expenses (DTE) may be chargeable in certain circumstances and will be agreed between both parties before implementation.


Wrongful Charging of Care Fees

Our service can offer an alternative to the practice of No Win No Fee in regards to reclaiming care fees that have been paid due to incorrect assessments. For more information, click here.


Home Aids Identification/Sourcing

Care Supplies and Aids from walking frames to Motability scooters, from handrails to bath lifts, to all things to assist people in their own home, including Electronic 2-way 24/7 audio/video monitoring and off-site support (and much more), for those living on their own.


Annual Retainer Fee (ARF)

The Annual Retainer Fee (ARF) entitles a Client to independent Case Management and Advocacy service for a full year. Some of the other services set out above are included in the ARF.


The ARF provides you with:

  • Information, guidance and support throughout the retained period. Access at all times to discuss any issues that may concern you on an ‘as and when required basis. We can be contacted either by phone, email or text.

  • A review and a monitoring service throughout the retained period on an ‘as and when’ required basis.

  • An introductory and referral service to professionals and businesses that specialise in providing later life services and products. We will monitor and manage this process if required and if deemed appropriate.

  • An Annual Renewal Review at which our relationship will be evaluated. At that meeting, you will have the opportunity to cancel the arrangement if you feel you no longer require our services or you instruct us for a further 12 months.


Important Notes

It’s important to emphasise that the ARF includes some but not all, of the other functions in the options above.


An ARF, therefore, offers greater value for money rather than paying for individual services on an 'as and when required’ basis from the options above. This can be discussed at the Discovery Meeting. In order to achieve the best value for money, the most cost-effective method will be mutually agreed upon before instructions are given and accepted.


In addition to the above, Discretionary Travel Expenses (DTE) may be chargeable in certain circumstances and will be agreed upon between both parties before implementation.

Rights are reserved to charge extra for more complicated matters where a high level of involvement and maintenance is required. If such an issue arises, we will discuss the implications and notify you of the costs involved before any further work is undertaken on your behalf.


We reserve the right not to accept instructions or to engage in any matters considered matters to be contentious and not ‘Best Practise’. Further, we extend this right to ensure that the client's ‘Best Interests’ are being pursued and protected. We will notify you in writing if we feel our professional integrity is being compromised.


Whilst it is possible that some of the above can be conducted by clients or their families, we will achieve results in a far shorter time frame, resulting in three major areas. 1) Less stress for the client and family.

2) Cost-effective, in that some legal and administrative costs can be negated. 3) Knowing our way around the system can result in a reduction in care costs.


Value for money. It is easy to determine how cost-effective the individual bespoke services are. As to the ARF, when you break it down, you will appreciate the comprehensiveness it offers and the time we will expend in dealing with your needs. Further and very importantly, you will have ongoing access to us for, no doubt situations that will arise, especially over the course of the first year. In addition, the ARF can "pay for itself" straightaway, as we may be able to obtain additional income and/or earlier Local Authority/State funding, thus reducing your need to pay for care in the early stages. Lastly, there are often other categories of rebates we can obtain from the Local Authority and State. The ARF, therefore, offers exceptionally good value.


Fees are not currently subject to VAT.


The fee structure is valid from July 2017 and reviewed annually.


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